
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

So who is more addicted to their tech - you or your kids?

Many people are concerned with children’s use of technology, but what about parents? There are many couples that come to therapy who do not realize their time on the internet and on their phones is affecting their time with their families. BBC News posted an article about parents overusing their phones and how much their kids notice it.
What do you think – are you as addicted to your tech as your kids are to theirs?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Loss and College - How will you cope when the kids go to college?

Are your kids going to college now or in the next few weeks? This is the time of year when families take their children to distant schools and drop them off for nine months. It can be very hard on you, the parent, as well as the student. You may be putting on a brave face, but in reality, the presence of loss is real and powerful at this transitional time in your life. You may not equate this with other losses, such as death or relationship breakups, but some of the dynamics of grief are the same.

Check out my blog about this very real loss:

Friday, August 18, 2017

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Are you addicted to the internet?

Are you ever concerned that you or someone you know is addicted to the internet? 

Many people are online every single day, but how much time online is too much? 

Internet addiction is a growing problem that people are facing as technology continues to develop and online access is made easier. If you think this may be the case, read this article from American Psychiatric Association about internet addiction.

Becker Counseling provides counseling services for Internet Addiction - call us if you want to talk at 732.406.4402.  

Monday, August 7, 2017

Can marriage counseling help your marriage survive infidelity?

"Should I stay or should I go?" 

In my many years as a Marriage Counselor, I have seen numerous couples come to me for therapy after an infidelity has been discovered. 

Counseling can help you sort out if your marriage can survive or not.  Sometimes your marriage may even be stronger afterwards. 

Check out this blog to see if Becker Counseling can help your marriage survive infidelity? 

Friday, August 4, 2017

It's the weekend, time to unplug...

Unplugged may be the cure to your tech addiction.

Internet addiction has been a growing problem over the last decade. As a family therapist, people constantly ask me how to get their families to put their phones down and enjoy quality time together.

To get a few suggestions, take a look at this article from Paste to see how you can get time away from your phone.

And maybe connect a little more.

Contact Becker Counseling if you think we can help you unplug a little more. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Addiction Treatment in America - What Do You Think?

Check out this link:
Addiction is a huge problem in America. In 2015 alone – 52,000 people died from an overdose including 33,000 on OxyContin, heroin, and other opioids. Almost three times that number died of causes related to the most-used mood-altering addictive drug, alcohol.
What needs to be done to make a change in this statistic? Read this article from Psychology Today to find out more about the addiction problem in our country.