
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Do you have to say you are sorry?

Some research says that saying you are sorry may not always be good.  Check out this article and research about how saying you are sorry may backfire.

Monday, March 26, 2018

She forgives you for cheating. Now What?

She says she forgives you for that affair. But does she really?  Check out this article to see what these researchers say about the long term affects that cheating can have on your relationship.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Marital Advice from Divorced Parents

Check out the marital advice from this unlikely source - divorced parents.  Maybe we can learn a thing or two from divorced parents when looking for a new mate. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Does keeping your finances separate mean less financial stress in your marriage?

Check out this article on how this couple keeps their finances separate in order to keep harmony in their marriage.

What do you think? Do separate accounts help your marriage or should all your finances be joint accounts?

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Do your meaningful social connections give you better brain health?

Research suggests that with meaningful social connections comes better brain health.

By Dr. Lisa Jaremka, Ph.D. is the Director of the Close Relationships and Health Lab at the University of Delaware, and she did research on breast cancer patients.

Her findings included this statement "the new research reiterates an important idea: Physical health and mental health are not just impacted by illness and disease, but also by these somewhat more abstract phenomena of whether you feel loved or cared for, whether you are socially engaged, and whether you take notice of these engagements. Meaningful social connections can be as fundamental to someone’s well-being as a healthy diet. Just as we must have nutrition to live and thrive, we also need the sustenance of our social connections as well."

Check out this article for more details:

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Secrets to a Good Marriage

What are your secrets to a good marriage?

Do they include holding hands even when you are not feeling romantic? Do they include a cuddle every day?

Check out this article for some recommendations on secrets to a good marriage:

Friday, March 9, 2018

11 Toxic Relationship Habits we Mistake as Healthy

What do you think? Are these relationship habits really toxic?  Or are they healthy? Is it cute or just too much to be healthy?

This is a really interesting read about relationships.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Meet Harvey and Irma! This couple shares their names with two hurricanes.

In this ever changing weather, this couple who have spent decades together weathering many storms - now share their names with two back to back hurricanes. Meet Harvey and Irma.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Does what your wife makes affect your health?

As a marriage counselor, one of the major stresses in a marriage is money.  But did you think if your wife made more money, that would be a stress too?

Check out these studies - one says it can be good for your health, the other says it can be bad for your health.

What do you think?

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Stop looking at her face and listen to her

Contrary to popular belief, you have a better chance of understanding how another person is feeling if you just listen to them, rather than trying to read their facial cues, says a new study.

Channing Tatum, famous star talks about relationships

Channing Tatum, actor and entertainer says this about his 12 year marriage: “It just morphs, you know?” he said. “One year, you need this, and next year, you need that. Then you have a kid, and then it all changes all over again. I mean, I don't think there's one [secret]. It's just the want and the will to just be in it, you know? It's not always perfect, but you got to still just want to solve the equation."

Do you think he's got something there?